The Janky Barge

Cover image

The Janky Barge art car was my first introduction to a large scale lighting project. The Janky Barge features 6 Teensy microcontrollers which communicate with each other through a XBee radio system, with a Raspberry Pi acting as a master controller. The Raspberry Pi acts as a web server, using Flask to broadcast a local web page.

You can connect to the Janky Barge internet, but there's only website that exists on this local network. I wrote a custom web server that allows the user to control the lighting with a web interface, that allows the RaspPi to broadcasts commands to the Teensy controllers using XBee radio technology. The XBee radio's slaved to each teensy translate the 8bit commands into different lighting functions and patterns. This allows anyone with the right credentials to change the lights on demand, directly from their phone.

Arduino power box

A typical soldering session with my Hakko soldering iron.