Hi! I'm Max McCall, a software engineer in San Francisco. I like making beautiful things and beautiful code, and am always looking for my next challenge.
I've been in the business for 15 years, and can tackle everything from web applications to service architecture. I adapt my style to suit every need, and have worked with some of the best design agencies and most innovative companies.
I also use my engineering and designs skills to build art, weld metal, solder electronic systems, and program software controllers and interfaces
Black Rock Bandit
Featured in USA Today, the BrB Art Car is custom welded Raccoon car, with nearly 10,000 LEDs, and a distributed Teensy Arduino control system.
LinkThe Janky Barge
Raspberry Pi Flask local webserver with a master XBee radio that broadcasts to six distributed Teensey microcontrollers with XBee radio receivers, allowing users to control the lighting with their phones.
LinkSound Responsive Cat Masks
Custom cut and soldered EL wire Egyptian themed cat masks with sound responsive controllers
LinkCode Snippets
50 Minute Image Carousel
This is a coding challenge that came naturally, and I was able to finish the prompt and even two extensions ahead of the timelimit
LinkHistogram Generator from Random Data
A coding challenge to generate a histogram based on random data
LinkIntersection Observer
The Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.
I'm located in SF, CA.